eC4 is an energy conservation, command and control platform that connects non-intrusively to plant equipment and proactively uncovers inefficiencies to ensure optimal energy use.
eC4 continuously optimizes energy intensity!


  • Connect to electrical panels of individual machines (energy guzzlers in the plant), as well as water, air, gas, electric and steam digital meters/sensors.
  • Monitor & Track energy consumption of the guzzlers in real-time.
  • Aggregate the energy consumption across all guzzlers.
  • Baseline the "Business as Usual" energy consumption for each process/task/production schedule.
  • Compare energy usage of similar plants / processes/ operational conditions. Identify energy wastage early.
  • Predict energy profile for a planned production schedule/process/task.
  • Recommend/Implement strategies to optimize the predicted energy profile.
  • Set a savings goal for a future period and track the achievement of the goal continuously.


  • Be energy aware anywhere (mobile and web application); Take proactive actions - before energy is wasted, and save costs.
  • No requirement for sophisticated IT knowledge for operation / use.
  • Easy to maintain. Flexibility in altering reports, views and computation rules.
  • Identify power quality issues, minimize unplanned downtime, extend equipment life, and curb utility penalties.
  • Understand the breakdown of energy bills in a granular manner.
  • Compute energy cost/unit product to provide better estimates to clients.
  • Achieve a minimum annual savings of 8.5% (or one month's bill).
  • Low-Cost: Pricing starts at USD 200 per machine per month.
  • Achieve ISO 50001 compliance. See How...

How eC4 has Benefited Various Manufacturers

Power Quality Intelligence, Food Processing.

Process Anomalies, Boiler Performance.

Energy Use Improvement, Cylinder Manufacturer.

Prediction of Energy Usage for a Production Demand.

Process Variables Intelligence, Electronics Manufacturing.

Paint Shop Energy Intelligence, Automotive.